26th December 2024

Search Gilmorton Parish Council

Gilmorton Parish Council Serving the people of Gilmorton

Cllr Julian Kent

Cllr Julian Kent


I have lived in Gilmorton for over 34 years with my wife Christina. Our two children were raised in the village and both attended Gilmorton Chandler school, along with various local sports and activity groups.

In addition to serving as a Parish Councillor I also chair the Neighbourhood Development Plan Group Committee. This sub committee of the Parish Council created the Village Plan that received overwhelming support in the referendum held in January 2022.

In another role, I chair the Gilmorton Community Playing Fields Association, which is responsible for the management and maintenance of the Pavilion and associated sports pitches.

I have previously served in various capacities on the Gilmorton Senior and Junior Football Club committees.

In my spare time I enjoy using the local hostelries in the village, cooking for guests, gardening and visiting my new born grandson……and his parents of course.

Elected unopposed to the Parish Council in November 2015.


Chair : Full Council
Staffing Committee

Neighbourhood Development Plan Committee

Last updated: Mon, 11 Apr 2022 15:55